sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010


Sometimes that monster inside you,
that kid that sees how the world he thought was balanced, it is really not to him.
Like poison from a deadly joker, a devil, envy grows inside him.
Like things were not the way he thought they would,
what answer are those that he looks for?
Envy, why? Why is it that things are not equal for everyone?
Is not bad enough for him that this demon ruled world gives power to the broken ones,
but it looks that even heaven itself gives them power.

Is this all true?
Maybe it is true that not everything is what it looks like.
Maybe behind all that good or joy there really is nothing but emptiness.
Yet apparently not, he thinks.
How to turn the table around?
What for?
Maybe that is the question in that world full of doubts and desillusions.
And maybe, if he just closes his eyes...
Maybe after time runs up, maybe then I will really open my eyes.

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