jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Winged Lion

A spirit, an entity, something I can barely put into words.
But in the wisdom of the beyond and the infinite,
I feel reassured that I can somehow define: the divine blue beast.

An ancient spirit with a form similiar to that of a Lion,
for in this creature of God, he found the shape of his fire.
That attitude of the relaxed, tranquil male.
The calmness in his eyes, the power, the stability
of his pressence among his own.
And that thunderous strength that shakes the heavens
when protecting what is dear to him.

That light step of a giant beast, makes him imponent, yet kind.
In his world, there's not such a thing as time,
he lives according to his own rythm.
The pouring of water slows down or speeds up, bending
nature to his own will.

Nature granted him fangs and claws as sharp as
the rays of sun in the summer; to use as tools for survival.
A powerful roar that freezes the blood running through
the veins of any creature big or small.
A delight for the warm sun, and a beautiful fur that looks like a
soft golden fire, make him a creature of the light.
That is what a Lion is to the spirit eyes.

But a Winged Lion is a creature slightly different from
the lions that rule the green kingdoms.
The spirit saw his form, and made it bigger.
An even though it grew in pressence it also grew in kindness.
And his divine procedence was seen in his light.
As this bright light became brighter than bright,
the beautiful fur became fire with the ironic color of snow.

Holliness, wisdom and power fuelled those golden
eyes; as if looking at two suns rising in
the most glorious horizon of the most glorious day.
And then the divine gave it wings,
so that this untamed spirit could soar free through the skies,
go back and forth to the heavens above.
So it could remember his nature,
so it could guard the kingdom below.

Down it came to the yet unfinished earth.
And in this realm it evolved into many shapes,
many phases, many lives.
Even today, with a form so different to what
he originally conceived,
The ever shinning bright light can be felt in his pressence,
and they called it aura.
In the distant east they found claws and fangs as sharp
and as old as his own, and they called them chi.
In the coldest and most sacred north they found wings as
mighty and holly as his, and they called them faith.

Strange, untamed, and unknown is this creature.
And much more mysterious is the spirit within it and
it's secret purpose on this earth.

In this age ruled by demons and hell-born beasts,
a Winged Lion will rise once more.
More beautiful and powerful than anything
the Universe has ever seen,
and with him all the holly guardians of God will be free;
and the swords of heaven will point down on to
the dragon, the serpent and the scorpion once more.

And we all, creatures of God,
will run wild and free through the pride of the Eden
as we were meant to in the first place.

So don't hesitate if you feel the call.
You know what you are inside.
If my roar calls tigers, dragons, eagles, wolves,
bulls, bears, phoenixes and griffins;
then do not hesitate.
It truly is the roar of the Winged Lion.

"People always say the most basic nature of man is animal,
foolish them who cannot see the most basic nature is Spirit."

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