Crying for something that is not yours.
Seeing how races rip apart souls and dreams.
The differences in appearance and appeal.
How our own minds discriminate ourselves
from the rest.
Differences, it is the stressing on those
characteristics that keeps us all separated.
The indifference born from differences is
the greatest achievement of the devil himself.
It's been in the depths of our cores now, for so
long, that we can't deny it: We always look
first for the differences rather than what we
got in common.
We are all humans, we are all people, we are
all children of one same God; and yet we
always fight each other because of our differences.
It doesn't matter if nature doesn't give us reasons
or characteristics so we can feel better or worse
than our neighbors. If we don't have ways, we
invent them!
If we are both humans, we see our different sexes.
If we are both man, we see the color of our skins.
If we are both brown, we see the beauty of our
faces. If we are both beautiful, we see who's taller
or looks stronger.
And when nature exhausts all equality, we result
to see who's got more money and status.
I am sick and tired of living in this world where
we all have learned to see people by their differences.
If it were for me I'd destroy all this and make it again.
But God is far wiser than any of us, and he knows
that we have the ability to see ourselves the way he
sees us, like his children, his most beautiful creation.
Once we learn about equality, we'll find that those
physical and material differences are nothing but
garbage, just the skin of the fruit.
And that the differences we have inside, it's what
makes us unique, and let's us share with one another.
"It's better to live a life trying to make the world a better place, rather than giving up and die without ever trying to."
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