You wake up ad try your best to face the day
You try your best to go against the odds.
You'll surely reach your goals one day and show everybody that impossible doesn't exist.
Your wallet is barely ever empty, and yet you can't get what you want. You want to get stronger but there's not enough time.
You want to train to get in killer shape, but your body plays a joke on you and doesn't let you breath.
You fight against your instincts.
You fight against your body and your weaknesses given to you by God as a punishment for your insolence.
You try to say hi but only half works.
Cold looks back at you, a few half ended hand waves, even fewer head nods.
A Hi is good enough but a weak Hello tries to make it.
The line between respect, hate, fear and shy blurs everyday and every night.
And you still wonder how.
When the only happiness you can get is knowing that all your best friends, your loved ones, are finding those specials persons.
They find themselves and find their other half.
Yet, you are happier than them.
Yet, you are jealous.
Yet you smile and yet you cry.
From inside, and in transition your tear comes out of your body as a smile and a blasting punch.
Hatred is not there, but in a clinched fist is kept from flying away the hope.
A dream, something that keeps you moving.
No matter what, I gotta reach it.
I'll be there someday.
You open your hand and look out the window.
Up to the starry night, you close your eyes and let the breeze of the blessing night kiss you cheeks and fill your lungs.
Open your eyes, fight again.
You clinch again, you hold your fist, you fight, knowing that not giving up will someday take away that loneliness inside your heart.
True or not, is the only thing...that will keep you living.
de ptm, carajo tuve q elevar mi ingles a mi maximo nivel para entender todas las cosas q has escrito, a ver cuando le ponemos musica a alguna de las cosas q escribimos, te apuesto q funcionan!